Wednesday, September 15, 2010

today i'm thankful for grace

well guys, i got a job! its super exciting news, right?! i started on monday and have officially completed 3 days. i'm working at my old school so its a comfortable place with many new faces- making my first full-time job comforting and still new & exciting. i'm quickly realizing that no day will be the same which is fantastic news...i'm thankful to have a job and to be making money. while i thoroughly enjoyed my unemployed time, it is nice to have more structure to my day...knowing each day has purpose. i'm sure part of the appeal may rub off over time but i hope to hold on to it as long as possible. today i got silly bands and silly-band rings so that's how cool my job is ;)

in other news, we have another cross country meet tomorrow. i have really enjoyed getting to know the kids on the team and getting the chance to run with them. i think they're all ready for the meet and expect them to do very well! hope i can say the right things to support/encourage them! things at chatt ballet are going well too! fall classes started at the end of august and everything is back in full swing. i'm happy to see that i'm getting back into not only running shape but also ballet shape. i'm balancing much better and its starting to feel like the old days. i really do love ballet and am very thankful to be doing it again. got some performances coming up (3 to be exact- one in each of the remaining months). things are going to be busy this fall- but isn't the fall always busy? yeah, thats what i thought... i've also been babysitting for a family on signal mountain. its 3 boys under the age of 4. one 3.5 yr old, a 2 yr old and a 6 week-old baby. they are quite possibly the cutest 3 boys. i love their ages and how they're each in very different stages in their lives. it has been a bit of a handful at times but totally worth every cute moment (and the $ of course). i'm glad i'm not a mom right now- but its kinda fun to play mom for a few hours every so often. seriously though- they're precious!

tonight i went to my second small group meeting at the new church i've been going to. each wednesday small groups meet at the church and instead of doing a lesson, the pastor answers any questions on the sermon from the past sunday...people can text their questions during the sermon and the top 3-5 questions are answered in the "deeper" series on wednesday nights. the sermon this past sunday was great...all summer he has been preaching out of james. there is so much to discuss in james that its taken him longer than he had planned...and this church preaches line by line in scripture which is great for me. anyways, this sunday was about slander- specifically james 4: 11-12. it was one of those days where you realize you think you've been trying to change bad habits but have gotten no where...that your frame of mind and attitude really haven't changed at all, you've just pushed your thoughts to the back burner. anyways, it was a great reminder of the Lord's love for me and how His grace continues to cover my mistakes, my short sin. the pastor spoke about our hearts and our minds and the way we judge others, including our brothers and sisters in Christ. james is very blunt about slander and judgment...which is hard to read but still good to hear. i pray i'm reminded hourly of these verses and that i'm reminded of the Lord's love...for me and for everyone. this spring i learned a lot about the Lord's love...and in the past 4 months He has really shown me His love for me. i'm incredibly thankful but i'm realizing how hard it is for me to receive it. after tonight's small group i began to think about why it is that i have a hard time receiving His love but also how that is affecting my love on others. i think the more i try to ignore the Lord's love for me the harder it is for me to remember how much He loves others and that i'm being used to show love to others. so, here is to me trying to accept the Lord's free love- no matter how much i don't think i deserve it. here is to me focusing on the Lord's free love more every minute of the day. and here is to me relying on that love to get me through every situation, every conversation, every victory, every loss in the most Christ like way.

Let love rule.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

time flies when you're unemployed

well. i've been out of college for 2 months now and i guess unemployed for a little over a month. the word "unemployed" sounds so awful and negative, but thankfully i have been enjoying it! since i've moved back to the great city of chattanooga, i've kept myself busy.
once i got into town, i signed up for dance classes and now dance 3 times a week. it is probably one of the best decisions i've made thus far... even though its just a 1.5-2 hr class 3 days a week, it has given me something to look forward to when i have had nothing to do. it's also really nice because after i graduated high school, chattanooga ballet moved to a new building with new studios. it works great for me because i still know people but its also still new to me. i do feel a bit old though, seeing as how some of the girls in my class are just now getting their driver's licenses. weird.
in addition to dancing, i also have a "summer internship" where i volunteer 2 days a week at a local non-profit organization. the organization- AVA- is really cool and i'm so happy that they need help! i actually volunteered there my senior year of high school and the organization has grown a lot since then which is neat to see. i'm helping with marketing and with their advertisement... i'm learning a lot and have met cool people too!
besides watching tv (way too much), i've gotten to hang out with people from high school. its cool that we pick up from where we left off and i love that we all have similar things we like to do- like run or craft- its a great reason to get together! i've started watching LOST too...i like it more than i thought i would...
i have also been enjoying time with my mom and dad. they are both keeping me busy with different things but its cool having time to help them or go out of town with them! my dad and i went rafting down the ocoee with my aunt, uncle and cousin on friday... i love rafting, family and the cherokee national forest. in conclusion, it was a great day!

so...this is my life in chattanooga right now. i'm still applying for jobs and hoping (more like needing) to find a job and income soon but i'm thankful that God takes care of me regardless.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

enjoy. breath. smile.

well. here it is. the end of may. something i've only been talking and thinking about for the past 5 months. i'm not sure where time went but i guess it doesn't matter because its gone and i'm here.

this month i graduated from the university of georgia. woo hoo! its exciting yet sad all in one. i had both a business school graduation and a school wide graduation- and of course i went to both. and i didn't cry at either one- i mean i got teary-eyed but i held it together. and while the terry college of business ceremony was great- i had the dread of finals hanging over my head the whole time. but, may 8th, after everything was finished, was a glorious day! i can almost say after may 8th, all of my fear and sadness about leaving uga was gone... almost. when something ends so perfectly (and yes, i use perfect because the day could not have been any better) i know its the right time to move on. while i'm still learning all about the Lord and His love, it was evident to me on the 8th. He knows what would make my day perfect and what would make my transition easier and He made it happen. i know, without a doubt, i was meant to be in athens for 4 years. not 4.5, not 3.5 but 4. while the chapter may be ending, and its very sad, its the most comforting thing to know its perfect timing. while i'm still adjusting to being an alum, i know i'll always be connected to uga which is more than i could ask for.

which brings me to the next chapter of my life. who know where i'll be in 3 weeks/months/years or what i'll be doing. i won't lie, its been a rollercoaster this month. what to do? where to go? who to be with? while most of my questions remain unanswered, i'm trying to hold on to the fact that the Lord is consistent. He is steady. He is in control. even though i would like to be master planner and have things "under control" in my life, this is apparently not His agenda. recently i felt like i had some kind of control on my life, just to realize that i had lost myself in the mess. i'm not even sure i'm making sense, but i can't really hide it, because right now there isn't much that does make sense. and this is good, even when there is a large part of me that hates it. and while this may seem like complaining, i am here to say its not. its merely just a reminder for me (and maybe you) to relax in the truths about the Lord. while i'm hating this season now, i know its only good for me and only good will come from it. and thankfully, i'll get a job somewhere and somehow decide where to live. He is making a path for me, even when i can't see it.

i pack up and move out in 3 days. its going to be hard and there will be plenty of tears, but knowing everything has been perfect up until now i have faith knowing there is more to come in my lifetime. when i think about my life at uga (i'm visual) i see all of my bumps in the road and all of my great adventures. at the end of the day, i wouldn't change a thing. which shows me, once again, to go with the flow of this season and enjoy. so, here's to enjoying life, even when its incredibly frustrating.

Monday, May 17, 2010


as i still process everything that has happened the past 2 weeks, i'd like to share something with you. if you have not taken the colors test- i highly suggest it. i've had to take it for numerous things but the people at wesley love to talk about colors and what it means. naturally, i now love to talk about it too. each time i have taken the test i have been Gold. one of my roommates gave me a little piece of [gold] paper that has the description on it...if i could give a piece of paper to someone as soon as i met them, i'd hand them this exact paper. as things are changing around me, i'm reminded daily that i'm still the same- that the things i like and love are okay, because its how God crafted me to be. that being said, here is the little piece of paper that can almost sum me up...

"I follow the rules and respect authority.
Loyal- Dependable-Prepared
I have a strong sense of what is right and what is wrong.
Thorough- Sensible- Punctual
I need to be useful and to belong.
Faithful- Stable- Organized
I value home and family.
Caring- Concerned- Concrete
I am a natural preserver, a good citizen and helpful."

"At work or in school: I like set routines & organized ways of doing things, rules and directions. I like to know what is expected of me & know if I'm on the right track. I like subjects that are useful and traditional- like Business."

"With friends: I like my friends to be loyal, dependable and on time. I am serious about love and show it in practical ways"

"With family: I like stability and security and enjoy traditions and frequent celebrations. I like to spend holidays with family members and plan ahead for such gatherings."

thanks true-colors. com for reading me so well.
i pray that i hold on to who i am- gold or not- and continue to trust in God to place me exactly where i need to be in the upcoming months.